
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:" Matthew 28:19

"Go", not "Bring" or "Take". That was the commission Jesus gave to the first Christian disciples and it is the same commission that is extended to all of us that have come after them (and will). Somehow, that message has gotten lost--or misinterpreted. Today, we seem to interpret that commission as "bring as many people to church as you can", but there is a big problem with that message. It's good for us, but not for those who need the Gospel. It's downright inconvenient for those who need to hear what we already have and know. They don't want to get up early on Sunday; they stayed up too late on Saturday. They think we stay in service too long. They don't understand. They believe it's all about the money. They think all preachers are crooks. They had a bad experience in church or someone they knew did.......there are a myriad of excuses. Can you see the problem in waiting for them to come to us? Bad discipleship technique. If we "go", we bypass all of that--we take the Gospel (and only the Gospel!) to them. When they are won, whatever imperfections exist in us (and let's be honest we ALL have some issues--maybe not major ones, but there's something to work on at every church) God will strengthen them to endure and grow with those "tares". 

We seem to be very comfortable worshipping in state of the art, air-conditioned edifices with all of the conveniences of today's world. It appears we're satisfied with bringing the few who will are willing to get up and venture out according to our church schedules, and blend in appropriately to our service. But, what about the rest of the world that is rapidly dying without Christ? Don't we have a responsibility regarding them? Or, are we simply responsible for the few who will come to church? Something is amiss with our method. I never read one instance where Jesus met a sinner, that He took the time to convince to go to temple for a life-changing experience. Jesus took the Gospel to the trenches. He went to the publicans, the blind, the poor, the oppressed, the prostitute, the leper, all of those people who were hungry for something more, and were often excluded from temple worship. Sometimes, "temple worship" is exclusionary and we don't recognize it, because we are so comfortably a part of it. However, to many who are unchurched, it is a foreign and harsh environment, and to wait for them to come to us, is quite a tall order. The apostles understood the commission and took the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire, Asia, Europe and beyond. Many of us, don't venture beyond the parking lot of our churches with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Outreach is our vocation--our career in Christ. Once we know Christ, that is the point to our lives, until we see Him in glory.

It isn't the responsibility of sinners to come to us; it is our responsibility to take the Gospel to them--even to the uttermost parts of the earth, wherever they are. That doesn't mean shoving tracts in their faces, or being offensive. Mimic Christ. Watch Him, as He encounters individuals and addresses their needs, and finds a common ground. This is how a door is opened to present the Gospel. Jesus was a wise Soul-winner. There is value in feeding hungry people and clothing and providing shelter to those in need; helping in disasters--those things become spiritual opportunity in the hands of wise soul-winners. In those who aren't naturally needy--there is always some type of need or desire, if we listen and pay attention. Often, it is simply a matter of being less self-absorbed. Even wealthy people need a trustworthy friend and confidante; many are desirous of people who want their friendship for friendships sake, not what they have or can provide. Look for opportunities to be a blessing to those who don't know Jesus, and bless them lavishly without regard to self, and watch the opportunities for witness abound.  

It's time to change our thinking. Rethink church. Go to church and get fueled up to "GO!" They will come when we win them. Make it convenient for the lost, not the already won. Just, go.  


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