
Showing posts from August, 2022

Divided, We Fall

Often, when bad things happen--we find ourselves shocked that the person we knew would do something so heinous. The truth is, there is an explanation for it and it lies in the makeup of mankind. Man is a trichotomy . God intended for us to be a trichotomy--we are spirits , that have souls and bodies . We are made up of all three. We can't exist without all three, but failure of one or the other to function according to the original plan can wreak havoc; and not simply on ourselves, but those who come in contact with us. The intent of God was to have a man and a woman "made in His Image and after His Likeness". God is One ! "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD..."[Deuteronomy 6:4, The Shema]. And that is His plan for us--that we would be one, as He Is One. There is a difference in original nature and the sin nature that exists in every man, woman and child after the fall of mankind. Now, we have the opportunity to be one again, as at the beginning, bu