Why the HATE?

I came across the title of an article, today: Why do Radical Muslims Hate Us? I didn't bother to read it, because I recognized immediately that it is the wrong question to ask. The question to ask would be why are we, as Americans the target of hatred and terror. I mean, our neighbors directly to the North (Canada) and the South (Mexico) aren't. Some of our European allies are, though. Some of the largest "powers" in the world, monetarily and otherwise--like China, Japan, and Switzerland aren't targets, but America is a bullseye. Why do you think that is? The issue isn't the Muslim (even the radicalism); the issue is "US". If we figure out what's wrong with us, we can figure out why there are such radicals and extremists--and by the way, they just happen to be Muslim, and come from the Middle East. If Native Americans or Africans of the 17th-19th century lived today, they might be the extremists and radicals that we would be talking about, instead, or in addition to those who happen to be Islamic. We need to stop focusing on the fact that they are Islamic--most Islamic people are NOT terrorists, extremists, or hateful. Some are even Conservative Republicans (go figure...).  

Often, people state that America is targeted because of our way of life. It is said because of our freedoms and our prosperity, but you can find that in countries around the world, some who have greater (by far) prosperity per capita, than America and they don't live under the constant threat of terroristic acts. They don't need a department of Homeland Security, or worry about sucide bombers. Clearly, that can't be the difference.

America is a target because of her attitude, and her arrogance. America is targeted because of her hatred and racism. America is targeted because of the failure to recognize the significance of others in the world--even American minorities. It's the pompous, pretentious, superior mindset of the American that has made us so hated around the globe. We didn't just acquire this attitude, either. It came early on.

Around the same time we were gaining our independence, we were stealing it from others--and not seeing (or perhaps seeing, but failing to care) the hypocrisy of our acts. America drafted a Declaration of Independence, while enslaving hundreds of thousands of men, women and children stolen from their own country and stole (literally) West, demolishing Native American settlements--raping, robbing and murdering all along the way, in the name of American Independence. Separation and independence from England came at a great cost to many non-white people; then, these same freedom-seekers were willing to destroy their new union to keep others from pursuing the happiness they now enjoyed, so lavishly. While it must be forgiven, there is a need (always) for offenders to humble themselves and seek forgiveness [Luke 17:4]. That's the problem. There has never at any time in American history been an humbling time of repentance for sins against humanity--near and far, past, or present. Instead, there has only been denial, rationalization, justification, and that causes hostility.

Some may peacefully protest, but en masse there will be many after so long (without an acknowledgement of being wronged) who will rise up and demand to be heard--and maybe not so peacefully. Our current situation of terrorism exists because everyone knows our history--and our attitudes and way of doing things. Who is going to trust America to do the right thing? They know we will side with Israel--whether right or wrong. They know we "believe" every word written in the Bible--that we don't take the time to understand what we read. If we did, we would recognize the difference between natural and Spiritual Israel. We would understand that natural Israel is experiencing God's righteous judgment for her refusal to repent. I am not advocating turning our backs on Israel, but this blanket support of Israel and rejection of Palestinians, no matter what, is not right, either. Ishmael was Abraham's son, too--and God did not reject him (Genesis 21:13,17,20). God loved and cared for this other son of Abraham, too--even though we may reject him. We know what happens to those who reject those whom God chooses, don't we? Ishmael wasn't the son of promise, but God did not punish him for the choices that Abraham and Sarah made to bring him into the world. It wasn't even Hagar's choice, she was a servant; Sarah gave her to Abraham. No one asked Hagar if this was what she wanted. Today, there is still so much presumption regarding Palestinians. The reason there is no peace is there is no repentance residing in the hearts of either side--Israel or Palestine. There isn't any in America, either.

So, our idea for peace is to war. We think that we will secure peaceful borders for America by wiping out terrorists, and warring against those who oppose us. By now, we should understand the foolishness of that ideology. Have you ever played that game at a carnival where you hit the mole? No sooner than you think you have hit them all, another one, or two pop up. It's a no win situation. Same thing. The more we fight and oppose, the more enemies we will have who will rise up to oppose us. There is no way to fight hate with hate, or AK-47's, submarines, fighter planes, stealth bombs or special forces. Hate is only overcome by love.

As I listen to the rhetoric of many American Christians--and the vehemence. Many become red-faced as they speak out against everything and everyone. The hate is written all over their faces, as it is spewed from their mouths (and the depths of their hearts--that is where Jesus said the things we say come from). As Christians, we have missed the point of the Gospel, and become the hypocritical Pharisees of Jesus' day. We are so concerned with maintaining the status quo; our way of life is so important to us that the Gospel of reconciliation is reserved for only those we think are deserving--and that doesn't include homosexuals, lesbians, people who have abortions (or perform them), people on welfare, our own president, democrats, Muslims, terrorists, or anyone who doesn't agree with us. That's how the Pharisee's were--and you know, they nailed Jesus to the cross.



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