A NEW LAW--Psalm 119:54-60

The Psalmist hints here of a Law that is written not simply on tablets of stone--but within a heart of flesh. Although David lived in the days of the Mosaic Law when animal sacrifices were made continually for the sin of mankind, it seems he had a glimpse of the grace that was to come through his own lineage.

The Mosaic Law, as given to Israel contained over 600 different points. Israel was expected to know these laws and to rehearse them and teach them to their children generation to generation, while they waited for the Promise that God covenanted with Abraham. The Law however had limitations--it made them aware of their sinfulness, but it had no provision to keep them from that sin. So, the sacrifices were many--and continual. Even those who sacrificed, had to sacrifice for themselves, being imperfect also.

Jesus came to reward us with grace. His earthly ministry was all about grace--just as His death was. Even the miracles were about salvation--there weren't an end unto themselves. Jesus didn't heal or deliver simply so that people got physically well, but so that men would believe on Him. His earthly ministry was leading up to the crescendo of Calvary, where the work would be finished with the last and final Sacrifice--the Perfect One. Jesus' Sacrifice of Himself gave us grace. Jesus in His sacrifice removed the need for rehearsal of laws and rules--those 600+ points were condensed to these: "‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.
A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” [Matthew 22:37-40]

And, Paul reiterated Jesus' words in Romans 13:10 and Galatians 5:13,14. We now have the power to activate this love in us--that makes us live holy and righteous lives before God. Jesus left the earth in human form, to return to reside within us in Spirit Form--He will activate the love in our hearts that will make us choose to love Him and others, and so live godly. There will be no laws to rehearse--love destroys the work of sin in our lives. We simply have to invite the Spirit to exercise His power to perform the transformation. [Romans 12:1,2]

Make haste. 


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