unHOLY Extremes

 We live in a world filled with extremism, in many forms. It isn't really a new factor, but as we draw closer to the end of the day, I tend to think we have more of them and they have strengthened. Many of them, perhaps even most of them are offensive--and insensitive, to someone that doesn't share the ideology. For instance, politically we now have the radically right Tea Party and their extreme, and I think even dangerous ideas, if enacted (for many). We have extreme groups such as the Taliban and the more radical Boko Haram who practices a harsher form of Sharia Law--I can't imagine Sharia harsher??!!! We see "Pro-Life Christians" who are so against abortion--the "murder" of unborn babies that they are willing to block abortion clinics, bomb abortion clinics and murder doctors who provide the legal service to desperate women. We also have "Christians" who feel justified protesting at the funeral services of non-heterosexual service men and women who gave their lives in service for America. Those are pretty extreme. But, as bad as they are, don't point your finger in shame until we examine some common extremes, among US.  

The lips of the wise give good advice; the heart of a fool has none to give.
 The Lord detests the sacrifice of the wicked, but he delights in the prayers of the upright.
 The Lord detests the way of the wicked, but he loves those who pursue godliness.
 Whoever abandons the right path will be severely disciplined; whoever hates correction will die.
 Even Death and Destruction hold no secrets from the Lord. How much more does he know the human heart! (Proverbs 15:7-11, NLT)

There are some traditions and teachings that we have embraced that just don't make sense, biblically-speaking. 
We are so over the top in many things, and it has been the cause for many divisions among us--of course, it shouldn't be; according to Paul's teaching on our differences (Romans 14; 1 Corinthians 8). Having the liberty or not having the liberty does not give anyone the opportunity to "judge" the other brother. Some things YOU may need to keep you holy, but your brother's requirements may be different from yours--and God has the freedom--He is Omnipotent, to deal with us as individuals. What Paul taught us is that those who don't must not judge those who do; and those who do, must not become judges of those who don't (Romans 14:3). 

I have begun to notice some things though about us, that don't fall in this category. Many times, in our efforts to attract people (instead of using love, which is the tool Jesus said to use), we begin to mystify God and the things of God. God is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. He needs nothing added to His holiness to make Him more exciting or enticing. Some practices I have seen, in various places in the past few years have taken on a New Age appearance and weirdness. That is not God--that's strange fire. That's one extreme. On the other hand, I also see a lack of true desire for God and His glory--it's as if we don't really want to experience Him--like we're afraid of Him. I have been to many churches and services in the past few years--many were enjoyable, but none took the time or effort to really usher in the presence of God. The schedule is always first. What would happen if for even one month our churches would put aside the schedule and come into the sanctuary and seek God's presence in sincere prayer, praise and repentance??? What a way to start 2012!!! Of course, we have a good time in church--great Word, good praise, a few souls saved, but a cloud of His Glory in the atmosphere resting upon us--Him, not people trying to create or drum up God, but God! He wants to visit us.

Another extreme is in our dress. We get so caught up in articles of clothing. Don't wear pants (ladies, that is), or jewelry, or please wear a hat when you come to church--and it's mostly women, of course!:) Balance is what we need. Balance doesn't focus on the article of clothing, but recognizes that any article of clothing can be modest or immodest. A dress can be modest--but many are immodest. A man's slacks can be modest, but there are many immodest slacks on brothers in church. We need modesty, not an attack on articles of clothing. Articles of clothing go through cycles and change gradually during each century--men could be in the long wigs of the 18th century again, before long!:) 

There is another dangerous extreme permeating our churches over the last twenty-five or thirty years. It is so pervasive. It is the teaching that God wants all of His children to have earthly wealth and health, and anything less indicates a lack of faith. It is extreme and it is a lie from the pit of Hell. Many have been deceived by it; Scripture has been twisted and convoluted to support to premise. No Scripture teaches that we can have whatever we WANT, without a disclaimer. God gave us many Scriptures to prove to us that this world wasn't going to be a picnic, but a treacherous journey, in fact stating that we aren't worthy if we start out and turn back from the plow. Habakkuk, asked what will you do when there are no cattle in the stalls and the fig tree won't blossom? Israel pitched in Rephidim (where there was no water to drink) according to the commandment of the Lord. Peter told us to be happy if we suffer for righteousness' sake; and don't even think it's a strange thing (it's par for the course) when those fiery trials come, just rejoice! Jesus said blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness' sake...but, oh, not us! We are tiptoeing through this life comfortably into an even more comfortable everlasting one. That just doesn't line up. The error is that we have taken Scriptures that relate to SPIRITUAL blessing and equated them CARNALLY. It is dangerous. It has drawn people into churches looking to gain financial success, rather than spiritual success; when it didn't happen we failed them, and lost them, too. God didn't promise to solve all of our problems in this life--He promised to be with us, in them; and one day to give us rest from them. He promised peace and joy in spite of them--isn't that miraculous enough???

 People filled with God's Spirit, walking after the Spirit, listening to the heart won't be governed by extremes, but by wisdom--which comes from God. He will delight in your prayers, He already knows your heart; and what proceeds from your lips will be wisdom.

 PRAYER: Jesus, today as we go about our daily lives help us to examine our choices, and submit them to you, in prayer. Cause us to avoid the extremes of excess of any kind--bless us with contentment. Teach us to understand the peace that comes with being satisfied with You and the things of the Spirit. Teach us to see extremism in our worship and cast it out; any extremism that exists in our lives, replace with balance. Help us to understand that you didn't call us to struggle and fight to be redeemed, but to rest in the promise of grace--We thank you, that We don't have to fall, and that We WIN! Thank you for the gift of YOU!


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