Getting Rid of "Dead" Weight

Often, we talk about the "dead weight" in our lives--the excess baggage, those things that "hinder" our destiny. Sometimes, we determine that the dead weight are the difficult people in our lives. The ones who rub us the wrong way, or question us, keep us praying, and test our patience and attitude--because they always have one (an attitude, that is), or a multitude of other issues. They just seem to drain us, and drag us down, as though we had a ball and chain around our neck.

We are ready to conclude that these people are the "weights that easily beset us" along with our failures and sins, when in all actuality, those weights are within us. If we don't see them, the best place to start looking is the heart. I was thinking, what if Jesus thought like we did--what would have become of our destiny???

Jesus had some "dead weight" too, a disciple named Judas Iscariot. Jesus kept Judas close, eating with him, walking with him, probably laughing with him. I can see Judas helping to distribute the fishes and the loaves, after Jesus blessed the meal. The so-called dead weight has a role in our lives, just as Judas had a role in Jesus' life. Jesus kept Judas around for such a time as that--for that kiss, the one that led to His death, burial and resurrection.

Our "dead weights" that we think are holding us back, do the same thing. In fact, they propel us forward. They are the people who cause us to pray more, and harder. They are the people that make us cry out to God and keep us near the cross. Our comfy, cozy friends that always lend support don't play that role--it's the thorny, sandpaper, scratchy, hard to get along with people in our lives that provide that essential function. We would stagnate and cease to grow spiritually if we didn't have this friction.

Jesus could have been taken without being betrayed by His friend, but we have the example of Judas' betrayal for a reason--the example teaches us a lesson--stop throwing people away, simply because they get on your nerves, or because you don't like them--or the way they smell, or wear their hair, or tie their shoes, or whatever nonsense we come up with--or, even because they are hateful, mean and nasty!  

Even if they walk away, go after them--we have that example, too. There are no coincidences in God's Word--He sought hard after Israel, time after time. How many of us would have continued to spare Israel (and Judah), and clean them up, and restore them? God also paints us the portrait of Hosea the prophet. He lets us see Hosea marry Gomer, a prostitute, whose natural tendency was to stray, and to defile herself with other men. It was certainly within Hosea's rights (according to God's Law) to put her away, but God told Hosea to bring her back even though she left him to be with other men (Hosea 3:1,2). Hosea paid for Gomer, to bring her back to his home and to their children--great lengths.

None of these biblical examples of "dead weights" were tossed aside and deemed as deterrents to destiny. They were used to create destiny, in God's people, and so will yours, if you will be faithful enough to stay and pray, rather than run from what doesn't feel good. This journey is not a tiptoe through the tulips, piece of cake-walk. It's a pilgrimage through unknown, uncharted (by you and I) territory by people who are peculiar strangers in a land that is not our home. It isn't supposed to be easy and comfortable--the sooner we accept that, the closer we will be to our spiritual destiny. Where, how and when did we get this false notion that the trip was to be comfortable? When we choose to align ourselves with God, we sign up for trouble, because the adversary is now the opponent and no longer our team captain. On this team, he is out to destroy the work of the Spirit, in us. His methods are crafty and cunning--he wants us to move all of the difficult people from our path, because then we have no reason to stay camped out at the throne of grace.

Thank God for your "sandpaper people"! Let them scratch you, mock you, curse you, lie on you and more--they are helping to grow you into a vessel of honor. That's what haters and wicked people do--don't panic about them; they're just "tools" in the Potter's Hand, after all (they can't do anymore than He allows, or that is necessary to get you to your destiny)! The Potter's wheel is not a fun place for a lump of clay, but if the clay will allow the Potter to work on the clay, the finished product will be something to behold!

We need thorns. So, the next time someone levels a "stone" your way, just smile and say, "Girl (or Brother), you are so important to me--I soooo need you in my life! You have no idea how much you bless me!!! You might just effect change in them, in the process. Enemies can change, too.   


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