These days, we run into a lot of people who seem to feel "entitled". Without consideration for others, they make decisions, and do what pleases them. That sense is an ugly, arrogant, selfish, pompous one. You probably have come in contact with people who have no regard for others--in fact, they don't even notice that you're standing in line already (as they walk right in front of you). You may have come across the person who steps in front of you while you are having a conversation, without an "excuse me". Maybe right in your own home, you have the television hogger who walks in the house and changes the channel to suit him/herself (usually himself, I have a feeling). I don't know if they still do, but Europeans used to call us the "Ugly Americans" for our brash, take control, know-it-all, demanding ways--we annoyed them; perhaps many of us, still do--and don't care.

I remember one day being in the gym where I live--and I live in apartments that have a high senior citizen population. Most of them, are wonderful people, but there are those few.... I was on the treadmill, and another neighbor of mine was on a stepper; both of us were contentedly watching a television program on one of the televisions while we worked out. In the midst of our program, a little lady walks in, changes the channel and proceeds to get on a treadmill! We look at each other incredulously--I explain that we were watching that television. With a rude wave she proceeded to the very next television and turned on her program--at full volume! She won. I began going to the gym after the elder residents were safely tucked in for the night.   

Sometimes, the entitlement is more serious. Mind you, even those aforementioned situations speak to the poor  character of the person, and how they view others in regard to themselves. Still, there are some entitlements that affect the physical well-being of people. Right now, we have much talk in Washington politics of "entitlements"--some seem to think of needed social programs and even Social Security and Medicare--paid for by the recipients as entitlements. Actually, they are--but rightly so. Those who argue for dismantling them or reducing them seem to easily overlook their own wealth and abuses of government funds, as they make such self-righteous decisions. Who exactly is entitled? The same goes for medical coverage for all--many don't believe that everyone in America is entitled to coverage; that's an easy decision for them, because they have the best that money can buy. I often wonder how their decisions would be affected if they (or those they love) had to walk in the proverbial moccasins, of the less fortunate.

That's how a sense of entitlement behaves. It sees what is best for self; what "I" want and what "I" deserve--even if it means that others have to suffer, so that I can have the best. It is the epitome of selfishness. 

What's scary is that it isn't limited to politics, or little old ladies or rude people in department stores; but it's among us. It's more than mentioned among those of us who are called by His Name. How can it be, when Jesus prayed, "Make them one..."? How can it be when we read the admonishments of Paul against the divisions that occurred in the early church in 1st Corinthians 1:10-17? How can it happen when Jesus taught us that all of the Law was embodied in two commandments: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like it: Love your neighbor as you love yourselfThe whole Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets depend on these two commandments." (Matthew 22:37-40, GNT)? And, Paul reiterated these words of Jesus more than once as he taught the early believers, in Romans 13:9,10 and again in Galatians 5:13,14. Over and over, we see Jesus and the apostles stressing the importance of self-sacrifice and putting the needs of others first, yet we feel entitled. It's all very Pharisaical in nature. The Pharisee's displayed that same sense of entitlement, with their rituals, habits, laws--because they had polluted the Mosaic Law until it had become unrecognizable, and made it fit their whims, and a hard taskmaster for God's people. Is there any empathy in our midst? Do we really feel the pain of our brother in our own heart?

All that any of us are entitled to is what God promised. He promised to supply our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus--not our wants (that's the most treacherous lie that has been perpetrated against the Word of God) If, it were true, where would that leave the faithful Christians who suffer for a lifetime and die martyred for Him? None of us (according to God's Word), has special entitlements, either. The blood of Jesus gives us the same grace, the same measure of faith, the same spiritual opportunities--and, we are all equal in the sight of God. We should be in the sight of one another, too

There will be no special seats, bigger mansions, whiter robes, in God's eternal Kingdom...why do we have entitlements here? 


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