"For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." 1 Corinthians 6:20

How can we glorify God in our bodies?

Today, I read these statements, "SOW A THOUGHT, REAP AN ACTION. SOW AN ACTION, REAP A HABIT. SOW A HABIT, REAP A CHARACTER. SOW A CHARACTER, REAP A DESTINY." Each statement is profoundly accurate in and of itself, but altogether, they teach a powerful lesson. They can all, individually or collectively be positive or negative. We decide. Each and every one of us.

Oftentimes, when we speak of sin in our lives, we refer to it as "falling or being fallen in sin", as though it slipped upon us, completely unawares! We say it as if sin came out of nowhere and swooped down, making us its victim. We say, "we just couldn't help it", or like Flip Wilson, a comedian popular in the 1970's, used to say (in his, then famous Geraldine act), "the devil made me do it!" But, understand this--Flip was wrong and so are we when we say these things. The adversary does not have unbridled power over any child of God! When we sin, we make a decision to sin.

In James' letter to the Jewish saints, he wrote, "let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Do not err my beloved brethren." That word "sow", leads to conception. Whatever we sow in our minds, will be conceived in our hearts and spirits. Think of the process of conception of life--the sperm is "sown" in a woman, and only then is a child conceived; or think of sowing seeds, with the purpose of reaping a harvest of crops. What you plant is what you will reap--if you sow corn, then you will reap corn--if the harvest is successful. We don't plant corn, and expect potatoes. It is the same with our spiritual lives. Sowing and reaping is a law that translates to many areas of our existence.

Let us be clear about the thought process. "HAVING" a thought, is not synonymous to "SOWING" one. ALL of us have ungodly thoughts. What we do with those thoughts, determines our path. When evil thoughts come, we always make a decision--instantaneously, whether we will entertain the thought (sowing it--causing it to grow and germinate, in our minds). In that case, it extends to our hearts and we are well on our way to defilement. On the other hand, when we decide to rebuke the evil thought ( choosing rather to think on things that are "true,...honest,...just,...pure,...lovely and of good report Philippians 4:8), we have a "better" outcome. As we refuse to allow satan's influence to take root in our minds, that halts the growth of wickedness, and satan is unable to proceed further with his devilish contamination of our hearts. That is how we guard our hearts.

In close examination of the sowing process, in Scripture, we get a clear picture: "The operation of a sowing with the hand is one of so simple a character as to need little description. The Egyptian paintings furnish many illustrations of the mode in which it was conducted. The sower held the vessel or basket containing the seed in his left hand, while with his right he scattered the seed broadcast. The "drawing out" of the seed is noticed, as the most characteristic action of the sower"—Smith's Bible Dictionary. It can then be understood that sowing involves the attention and purposeful action of the sower. Another point, in Scripture, regarding sowing is the prohibition of sowing "mixed" seeds (see Leviticus 19:19). We cannot sow both godly thoughts and evil thoughts--we must choose. There is no serving of two masters! Another picture, in (Isaiah 32:20), shows the process of sowing in wet soil--for this process, animals were used. The seed was "trodden" by the feet of animals. Picture that, loose wet soil and heavy beasts of burden, forcing the seeds deep into the soil! Don't allow satan to tread upon filthy thoughts in your mind, forcing them deep into your consciousness, where they will then be transferred to your heart, only to produce the fruits of unrighteousness!!! Once this occurs, you will begin to act unrighteously and so reap the penalty of unrighteousness. Watch out for that slippery slope!

Sin, then, does not sneak up on us and catch us off guard--it happens only when we allow ourselves to "sow a thought". That is how it begins. It can be difficult--for the writer of the Proverbs, tells us, "Good understanding giveth favor: but the way of transgressors is hard." What makes one a transgressor? Allowing ungodly thoughts to take root in us--then it is hard, to remove them before we act upon them. Don't be a transgressor. Remember, it never starts with a big thing--if it did, we would not be so easily caught up in sin, but satan is cunning. It is the "little foxes" that destroy us--eating away at our destiny.

Guarding our minds is serious business. If we are honest, we must acknowledge that our sin, doesn't happen upon us at times when we are wholly focused on serving God. When our whole hearts are devoted to the Kingdom of God, sin does not come along and swallow us up. Never! It occurs when we begin to let the godly and "good" things slip. Not being watchful of your associations? Be careful! Not giving time to prayer and study of the Word? Look out! Not working on developing real fellowship with God--and godly people? It's a setup--of your own choosing. You are about to take a detour onto the road of "Sin Conceived". Sin doesn't just happen to us--God always tugs at the strings of our hearts, to warn us--but we have to receive the warning and consciously take heed. He does as any loving parent would--only more so, because He sees the end from the beginning. He knows the path that I take, and He desires only good for us.

It may sound harsh, but it is fact--when we sin, we choose to. You see the signs, but you ignore them. Sometimes, it is sinful pride that leads us out of the way. We forget that it is only God's grace that can keep us--so, we fall. There are key things that we all must look for in our lives, if we will avoid the enemy's snares.

Watch the thoughts that you allow to be sown in your heart--self-examine, because there is an action to follow, the initial thought. Again, sow things that "are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report". If you think on these things, you will reap a bountiful harvest of blessings! If, however, you choose to sow malice, envy, backbiting--even laziness (in particular, spiritual laziness), talking too much or having a bad attitude--guess what kind of fruit you will reap? See Galatians 6:9,14-26.

If we want to walk holy and be kept by God's precious and abundant gift of grace--we must sow the Word of God, sow prayer, sow fasting, sow worship, sow love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance--and you will reap God's best. Not sowing good things into your life is just as damaging to your spirit as sowing evil things. There is no neutrality in God's Kingdom! You must choose a side and devote your full attention to it. Not choosing, consciously, or unconsciously will lead to destruction. That's the "laziness", I mentioned earlier. Being spiritually lazy and lax is a setup (of your own making), for failure.

Different situations and circumstances in life, makes us more susceptible to some kinds of temptation--for instance, sexual immorality. We have to be on guard, to avoid that temptation. Once allowed to take root, it is very hard to fight--avoidance is much easier. For instance as an unmarried man or woman, is is unwise to watch everything on television--or see every movie, we shouldn't read every book. These things can become foothold's for satan's influence in our lives. Learn yourself. Get to know which things trigger ungodly responses, in your life--that's the battle--see Romans 7.

Make the right choice, and be "delivered from the body of this then with the mind, I myself serve the Law of God...". Don't walk haphazardly--stay focused; protect your heart, mind and body.

CHOOSE the way that leads to life everlasting. Be ever mindful of your destiny!


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