
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Emperor Should Stick with State Issues

 You know, when Constantine decided to get in the "business" of church he made a big mess. We're still trying to disentangle from that conundrum.  The Church was doing just fine following the Commission, that Jesus Christ left us. Every time, we try to mix church and state, we add to the mess. The Church is THE CHURCH and government is of the world . Until the Nicaean Council, the Church was growing--and people came to Christ, because they were drawn spiritually --they CHOSE this Way. The hardships and persecution couldn't keep them away! Those new Christians simply walked out their testimony and loved the way Christ taught us to; and they came in droves. The Gospel was never meant to be a "have to" thing. We have been gifted with free will to choose how we will live our lives, (at, and since) the beginning of the world. That free will has never been rescinded. Even when God was sorry (repented) that He had made mankind, He didn't withdraw it. What H